This thing is huge, over 3GB, and it's worth every bit of space it's hoarding on my PS3's hard drive. I know Mass Effect 3 Citadel is being billed as a DLC add-on, but I think "expansion" is a more appropriate definition. Yet, despite the silliness, it does make sense within the canon of the Mass Effect universe. From Shepard getting an incredible apartment from Anderson, to Vega ordering a pizza during a mission briefing, to bumbling and adorable new NPC Brooks telling Commander Shepard that friendship is her secret weapon, Citadel is easily the kind of DLC of fanboy and fangirl dreams. It's as though BioWare asked all of its staff to bring their best Mass Effect fan fiction to the break room, and the silliest, funniest, and cheesiest ones provided fodder for Citadel. I think what I love most about the Mass Effect 3 Citadel DLC is the script. Shepard goes through used car lots, a casino, Citadel archives, and the Normandy. Her identity has been stolen by a mysterious figure who's hired Cat6, a group of fearsome former Alliance renegades, to kill Shepard. Then mercenaries show up to shoot stuff, and Shepard falls through a gigantic fish tank and down the sides of some buildings. And they're different people than last time. She gets the VIP treatment at what's apparently the hottest restaurant on the station and is sitting down to a nice meal when some Alliance officer named Maya Brooks runs up, saying people are trying to kill her. After exploring her awesome digs, she gets an invitation for sushi with Joker. Is there any work around? I have no way out of this, so this is a game-ending bug for me which is quite depressing.Anyways, the good stuff ends quickly before Shepard gets a chance to enjoy it. The only thing I can think of is somehow changing the game state by visiting the available loadout screen in the apartment, but as I of course do not know what it is about the loading of the next map that crashes the game, I don't have any hints as to what to try or whether it's even possible to recover this way.

Unfortunately, I all 3 of my saves are inside the apartment (quicksave, autosave, restart mission) so going back to a recoverable state doesn't seem to be an option. The loading screen comes up, and (seemingly on completion of loading) it stutters and exits to the launcher. In mass effect legendary edition, in mass effect 3, during the "shore leave" mission on the citadel, shepard enters anderson's apartment, gets a message from joker, then is supposed to leave the apartment via the one exit.